For a long time photographically I have struggled capturing content that I have been happy with. I set myself a goal of how I want the shoot to look and feel, what story I want to tell. I tend to set the bar high and when I don’t quite reach it (no matter how great the shoot was), I can’t look past the flaws in the image, even when I am the only person that can see the points that seem to stick out so much they kick me in the face. This left me feeling like I am yet to be happy with the content.
I have a love hate relationship with this approach to my work. On one hand it’s great because it’s this same ambition and hunger, to achieve those goals, that has pushed me to work harder and never stop fine tuning my skills with the camera. On the other hand, it can be exhausting and rarely leaves me feeling content.
This shoot has been one of the few that has not sent me through that familiar journey. Although I am yet to experience being 100% happy with my work (if that is ever going to be a thing), this collection has left me feeling so damn content, and I love it!
A big thank you to Shardé, for being willing to work hard with me to make my vision a reality. Especially with the countless poses that we tried to perfect.
The unimportant details (what I shot with):
- Canon 5Dmk3
- Canon 50mm 1.4
- Copious amounts of sunscreen
- Grass fed, fully organic, all natural sun light